Contribute to this project#

This page contains pointers and links to help you contribute to this project.

Our team compass#

The Team Compass is a source of truth for our team structure and policy. It also has a lot of information about how to contribute.

Code of conduct#

We expect all contributors to this project to follow our Code of Conduct.

Where we work#

We do most of our work in GitHub repositories in the executablebooks/ GitHub organization.

Contribution workflow#

Generally speaking, our contribution workflow looks someting like this:

  • Conduct free-form conversation and brainstorming in our forum. We have a community forum for general discussion that does not necessarily require a change to our code or documentation.

  • Discuss and propose changes in issues. Issues are a way for us to agree on a problem to solve, and align on a way to solve it. They should invite broad feedback and be as explicit as possible when making formal proposals.

  • Make a pull request to implement an idea. We use Pull Requests to formally propose changes to our code or documentation. These generally point to an issue and ideally will close it.

  • Iterate on the pull request and merge. Pull Requests should have discussion and feedback from at least one core team member, and ideally from many. Once the PR is ready to merge, a core team member may decide to do so. See our decision-making guide for formal details.

This describes the high-level process that is usually followed. In practice, we recommend attempting a contribution to get a feel for how it works in practice.

How we are structured#

Our Team page lists all of the teams and their members. In addition, our Governance page describes the responsibilities and authority that team members have.

How we make decisions#

Our governance page describes our formal decision-making processes.

Development conventions#

We suggest some developer conventions to help team members improve their technical contributions, and to promote consistency in our workflows.